Prince William Conservation Alliance

Trail Closures At Stuart's Hill Tract Of Manassas National Battlefield Park

NOTE: provided by Manassas National Battlefield Park, June 26, 2003

Manassas, VA -- Manassas National Battlefield Park Superintendent has announced the temporary closure of all trails within the Stuart's Hill Tract for historic landscape and wetland restoration.

The project area was acquired in 1988 as part of a legislative taking of the Stuart's Hill Tract, which encompasses 558 acres, bounded by Lee Highway to the north, Groveton Road to the east, Interstate 66 to the south, and Pageland Lane to the west. Prior to the purchase a development company had begun alterations for a mixed-use development (William Center) that drastically altered a portion of this landscape. Alterations included establishment of an entrance road, re-contouring of the area, and establishment of a drainage network in preparation for establishment of a housing development. In addition to these changes, wetland areas were filled and the hydrology of the area was altered.

This restoration and wetland mitigation project involves excavation, grading back to the 1862 contours, installation of native hydrophytic vegetation where appropriate, and establishment of warm season grass meadows. This project will restore over 100 acres to its historic condition, which will benefit both the cultural and natural resources of the Park. In addition, this location will eventually have a bridle trail and a picnic area.

Expected completion date for the project is late Fall 2003

Trail closures will not include access to the Stuart's Hill Center and Park Headquarters. The Stuart's Hill Center is open on weekends during the summer from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

For more specific information, visit and follow the Nature & Science link or call (703) 754-1861.

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Prince William Conservation Alliance