Thistle bud

PWCAPrince William Conservation Alliance

Community Report
September 15, 2016
Newsletter archive

Planning Office Seeks Approval to Revise Rural Preservation Policies

Rural Crescent Town Hall Meeting, Hosted by Supervisor Lawson
Thursday, September 15, 7 to 9pm at Marstellar Middle School, 14000 Sudley Manor Drive, Bristow

At the September 20 2016 Board of Supervisors meeting, Planning Director Chris Price is recommending initiation of three Zoning Text Amendments to revise the County's Rural Area Preservation policies.

  • Create a Purchase of Development Rights Program
  • Create a Transfer of Development Rights Program
  • Amend the Rural Cluster Development Regulations

Most significantly, changes to cluster development would forever alter the landscape by substantially increasing residential densities and providing new access to public sewer.

PWCA supports the adoption of Purchase of Development Rights program, a meaningful, well known and essential tool in rural preservation toolboxes.

Before investing staff resources or entertaining any discussion of other policy changes to the Rural Crescent, Prince William County needs to follow through and take advantage of a Purchase of Development Rights program.

PDR programs are an effective incentive that protects farmland and open space… and saves taxpayer dollars by directing infrastructure improvements to the development area.

The current staff report includes hundreds of pages of information, some old and some new. We will post additional information on proposals as we wade through the documents. Read more...

Click here to let Supervisors know that increasing density and access to public sewer won't protect our countryside.

PWCA Open House

Occoquan ReservoirWednesday, September 21, 5 to 7:30pm at Prince William Conservation Alliance, 2241F Tackett’s Mill Drive, Woodbridge

Please join us for a drink, appetizers, and join our lively ongoing conversation about parkland, green open space, and efforts to preserve our beautiful countryside. Share your ideas, learn more about current issues and opportunities.

Our Open House is free of charge, everyone is welcome. For more information, contact us at [email protected] or 703-499-4954.