"By the Numbers"
Basic statistics for Prince William County:
- population (as of April 1, 2000 according to the Census): 280,813
- current population (county estimate as of June 15, 2002) : 309,351
- percentage of total Virginia population in 2000: 4%
- county population, 1790: 11,615 (including 4,704 slaves)
- percentage of total Virginia population in 1790: 1.6%
- historic population (from each census): (to be added)
- land area: 216,269 acres (338 square miles)
- water area: 6,515 (10 square miles)
- total area: 222,684 acres (348 square miles)
- total area of Prince William County and the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park: 230,595 acres (360 square miles)
- number of independent cities within Prince William County: 2 (Manassas, Manassas Park)
- number of incorporated towns within Prince William County: 4 (Dumfries, Haymarket, Occoquan, Quantico)
- percentage of Federally-owned land: 18.8% (41,671 acres)
- length of streams: 1,000 miles
- length of Potomac River waterfront: 20 miles
- percentage forested (covered by trees): 40%
- highest elevation: 1,280 feet at Bull Run Mountain
- county center: 8.55 degrees North Latitude, 77.40 degrees West Longitude (near Brentsville)
- more to come...
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Prince William Conservation Alliance