The October 14, 1863 Battle of Bristoe Station was one of the 123 times Union and Confederate forces clashed on Virginia soil during the Civil War. This battlefield site, where thousands of Confederate soldiers died and may still be buried, is located at the intersection of Route 619/Bristow Road and Route 28 in Prince William County.
On March 19, 2002, the Prince William County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to approve Centex Homes' application to develop 520 mixed dwellings, 175,000 square feet of office and commercial space, and dedicate 127 acres as a Heritage Park to the Civil War Preservation Trust.
Two years later, on March 16, 2004, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously, with Chairman Connaughton absent from the vote, to approve Centex Homes' application to rezone an additional 13.9 acres to develop 51 single-family detached dwellings, 3.67 units per acre, that was intended to be an integrated addition to the previously approved New Bristow Village.
More Information
- 2002 New Bristow Village Rezoning #PLN2001-00157 Staff Report and Proffers - Rezone 341 acres from A-1, Agricultural, to PMR, Planned Mixed Residential. The applicant proposes to develop a maximum of 520 mixed dwellings, a maximum of 175,000 square feet of office and commercial space, and dedicate 127 acres as a Heritage Park to the Civil War Preservation Trust.
- Prince William County 2003 State of the County Remarks - "We have also made major commitments to our existing businesses, historic resources, and tourism industry . . . preserved the Bristoe Battlefield though a proffer agreement
- Prince William County 2004 Capital Improvement Program March 3 Staff Report - Funding for future acquisition of historic properties, which may include Williams Ordinary, Neabsco Iron Works, and Bristoe Station Battlefield
- 2004 Expansion of New Bristow Village Rezoning #PLN2003-00397 Staff Report and Proffers - Rezone 13.9 acres from A-1, Agricultural, to PMR, Planned Mixed Residential, for a maximum of 51 single-family detached dwellings. This proposed development is intended as an integrated addition to the previously approved New Bristow Village PMR.
- 2010 BOCS staff report for the acquisition of 1.5 acres to be used for public park and recreation purposes
- 2010 Prince William County General Management Plan for Bristoe Station Battlefield
- U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Permit Application for New Bristow Village to permanently impact 1.87 acres of wetlands and temporarily impact 8.09 acres of ponds, perennial and intermittent stream channels in the Broad Run watershed
- Prince William County Comprehensive Plan, Cultural Resources - Bristoe Station Historic Area
- Civil War Preservation Trust
- CWPT Announces Winners of 2003 Preservation Awards; Preservation Legacy Awards were presented to Centex Homes and Dr. Robert B. Pamplin, Jr. Centex Homes received the award for donating 127 acres of core battlefield to create Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park
- America's Most Endangered Battlefields 2003
- 1994 Virginia Legislative Document Summary - Bristoe Station Battlefield
- And Then A. P. Hill Came Up - Bristoe Station
- Bull Run Civil War Round Table
- Bristoe
- Unmarked Graves Complicate Deal to Save Part of Bristoe Station Battlefield
- National Park Service
News Articles
- Saving Bristoe Station Battlefield is Now Up to County Board
- Trust, Developer Strike Deal to Preserve Battlefield's Core
- CWPT & Developer Join Forces At Bristoe Station
- Budget Doubles Funds for Civil War Preservation
- Battle Line Drawn Over Battlefield
The maps below show the Prince William County approved preliminary site plan (left) and the plan submitted to the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers (right) as part of the approval process for wetland and stream impacts. Click on the maps for a larger version. |
Construction at Bristow Village is now underway.
The pictures above were taken on August 11 2004. |