November 6, 2003

Mr. Steve Griffin
Director of Planning
Prince William County
Department of Planning
1 County Complex
Prince William, VA 22192

Dear Mr. Griffin:

We have previously shared our concerns, through meetings and written information, about the Saratoga Hunt development project. The environmentally sensitive features at this site and proximity to Bel Air Plantation emphasizes the need for good follow through on commitments included in the approved rezoning.

Proffered commitments approved at the time of the rezoning included the opportunity for the community to walk the site before land-disturbing activities began. Although that opportunity has been lost, a meeting to share information on the status of this project is still possible. The opportunity for all interested parties to share information and ideas could be a practical and productive part of efforts to mitigate damages at this site.

The Prince William Conservation would like to host a meeting to allow stakeholders to share information on areas of concern and potential solutions, including representatives from the Cardinal Estates Home Owners Association, Prince William County Planning and Richmond American. We have scheduled a room at the McCoart Government Center on Monday, November 24 at 7:30 p.m.

Thank you for your consideration. Please let us know as soon as possible if this date fits your schedules. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.


Kim Hosen

B. Miller, Cardinal Estates HOA
D. Preston, Richmond American
S. Connaughton, Chairman, Prince William County Board of Supervisors
M. Hill, Coles District Supervisor
M. Nohe, Coles District Supervisor-Elect
H. Quintana, Chairman, Prince William County Planning Commission
O. Guzman, PWC Planning, Site Plan Division
J. Kooyoomjian, Lake Ridge Occoquan Coles Civic Association
E. Cunard, Lake Ridge Occoquan Coles Civic Association

Saratoga Hunt: A Case Study in Failed Planning