Rural Crescent Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Public Meeting August 1, 7:00pm at Nokesville Elementary! |
Comprehensive Plan Amendments initiated by the Board on March 12, 2013
Midwood / Midwood Center Property, CPA #PLN2013-00182Change 118 acres from Community Employment Center, Regional Employment Center and Environmental Resource to Suburban Residential Medium and Environmental Resource.
Stone Haven, CPA #PLN2013-00186 Change 864ac from Suburban Residential Low, Environmental Resource and Flexible-Use Employment Center to designations consistent with the Stone Haven Land Use StudyBlended Map.
Heritage Crossing, CPA #PLN2013-00064Change 16ac from General Commercial, Suburban Residential High and Environmental Resource to General Commercial, Suburban Residential High and Environmental Resource.
Richmond Station, CPA #PL
N2013-00187 Change 29ac from Flexible-Use Employment Center Office and Environmental Resource to Suburban Residential High and Environmental Resource. Supervisors requested a study of an expanded area to look further into the adjacent land uses.
Reserve at Cannon Branch, CPA #PLN2013-00184
Change 11 acres from Neighborhood Commercial and Environmental Resource to Suburban Residential Low and Environmental Resource. A rezoning case was filed, case number REZ #PLN2013-00372.
Pending Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applications:
These applications for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment have been received but are exempt from the annual deadline and have not been initiated.
Agricultural and Forestal Districts in Prince William County (map) |
2006 Proposals to Amend the Comprehensive Plan in the Rural Crescent
All 2006 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applications |
Quick information about the Comprehensive Plan |