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2013 Study
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Rural Crescent Comprehensive Plan Amendments

Public Meeting August 1, 7:00pm at Nokesville Elementary!

Comprehensive Plan Amendments initiated by the Board on March 12, 2013

  • Midwood / Midwood Center Property, CPA #PLN2013-00182Change 118 acres from Community Employment Center, Regional Employment Center and Environmental Resource to Suburban Residential Medium and Environmental Resource.

  • Stone Haven, CPA #PLN2013-00186 Change 864ac from Suburban Residential Low, Environmental Resource and Flexible-Use Employment Center to designations consistent with the Stone Haven Land Use StudyBlended Map.

  • Heritage Crossing, CPA #PLN2013-00064Change 16ac from General Commercial, Suburban Residential High and Environmental Resource to General Commercial, Suburban Residential High and Environmental Resource.

  • Richmond Station, CPA #PL
     Change 29ac from Flexible-Use Employment Center Office and Environmental Resource to Suburban Residential High and Environmental Resource. Supervisors requested a study of an expanded area to look further into the adjacent land uses.

  • Reserve at Cannon Branch, CPA #PLN2013-00184 
    Change 11 acres from Neighborhood Commercial and Environmental Resource to Suburban Residential Low and Environmental Resource. A rezoning case was filed, case number REZ #PLN2013-00372.

Pending Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applications:
These applications for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment have been received but are exempt from the annual deadline and have not been initiated. 

Agricultural and Forestal Districts in Prince William County (map)
2006 Proposals to Amend the Comprehensive Plan in the Rural Crescent

All 2006 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Applications
Quick information about the Comprehensive Plan