Open Space Definitions Set the Framework for Good Plans
Below are sample definitions for terms that are relevant to parks and open space issues.
Buffer, Development – A land area that is designated to block or absorb unwanted impacts to the area beyond the buffer. Landscaped areas, open spaces, fences, walls, berms, or any combination of these, used to physically separate or screen one land use or piece of property from another. Buffers are often used to block light or noise. The buffer area is intended to remain free of buildings, structures, or parking areas, and to be either landscaped; landscaped in combination with existing trees; contain a woodland conservation area; or contain fences, walls or earth berms in combination with the above.
Buffer , Riparian - A vegetative strip of land along a waterway designed to minimize non-point sources of pollution and otherwise protect the quality of the water in the waterway.
Buffer, Conservation – A management area closest to a sensitive historic or environmental site (e.g., significant structure, wetland, waterbody, etc.) in which human activities are prohibited or limited in order to minimize the negative impacts from adjacent land uses (like erosion, filter runoff pollutants, disturbances of wildlife) affecting the sensitive site.
Buffer, Chesapeake Bay – An area of natural or established vegetation managed to protect other components of a Resource Protection Area and state waters from significant degradation due to land disturbances.
Buffer strip – Strips of close-growing vegetation that separate a waterway (ditch, stream, creek) from an intensive land use area (subdivision, farm)
Built Environment – The urban environment consisting of buildings, roads, fixtures, parks, and all other improvements that form the physical character of a locality.
Character: The image and perception of a community as defined by its built environment, landscaping, natural features and open space, types and style of housing, and number and size of roads and sidewalks.
Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area – Any land designated by a local government pursuant to Part III (9VAC10-20-70 et seq.) of this chapter and §10.1-2107 of the Act. A Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area shall consist of a Resource Protection Area and a Resource Management Area.
Conservation Easement: Easement restricting a landowner to land uses that are compatible with long-term conservation and environmental values.
Conservation: Preserving and renewing, when possible, human and natural resources. The use, protection, and improvement of natural resources according to principles that will ensure their highest economic or social benefits. – Careful management of resources so as to obtain the maximum possible benefits from them for present and future generations.
Conservation Area - An area of special environmental or historic interest, the character and appearance of which is desirable to preserve or enhance.
Conservation Landscaping – Landscaping management that works with nature to reduce pollution and enhance wildlife habit.
Easement – The legal grant of right-of-use to an area of designated private property.
Floodplain – Any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source; the flat or nearly flat land along a river or stream or in a tidal area that is covered by water during a flood.
Open Space – Undeveloped land areas that have important ecological functions, natural resources, or cultural resources that are worthy of conservation and protection. Such areas may contain, but are not limited to, forests, farmland, old fields, floodplains, wetlands, and shorelands. Open Space can also encompass scenic vistas, recreational areas, and historic sites.
Park - An area of land set aside for public recreational uses.
Park uses are divided into two categories: active and passive recreation. Active recreation is that which requires intensive development and often involves cooperative or team activity, including playgrounds, ball fields and golf courses. Passive recreation is that which emphasizes the natural environment and which involves a low level of development, including trails.
Riparian Area – The land adjacent to streams, rivers or water bodies that directly affects – or is affected by – the water. Areas bordering streams, lakes, rivers, and other watercourses. These areas have high water tables and support plants that require saturated soils during all or part of the year. Riparian areas include both wetland and upland zones.
Undisturbed – Not interfered with or physically disturbed.
Viewshed – The total area visible from a point (or series of points) and conversely the area which views the facility.
Wetland - An area that is regularly saturated by surface water or groundwater and, under normal conditions, characterized by a prevalence of vegetation that is adapted for life in saturated soil conditions (e.g., swamps, bogs, fens, marshes, and estuaries).