Trees on Tap |
A community get-together
Green buffers are at risk - what’s up with that? Over the long run, buffers raise property values and attract economic development. But developers say buffers are "unusable space" that limits profitability.
Join PWCA to hear the latest about ongoing efforts to protect green open space. Share your views, meet new friends and have fun.
Free, donations appreciated. Buy your own beer, appetizers provided. Questions? Contact us at alliance@ pwconserve.org, 703.499.4954 |
Hike the Occoquan Greenway |

Nearly 50 people joined Prince William Conservation Alliance and Prince William Trails & Streams for a hike down the beautiful Occoquan Greenway trail.
We traveled seven miles, from Lake Ridge Park to the Town of Occoquan, over hilly terrain, through urban forests, and along streams.
The initiative to open this trail for public use began ten years ago when we sponsored the first hike through this beautiful natural area. Today, about three miles of contiguous trail, from Lake Ridge Park to Cotton Mill Drive, is available to the public for hiking. |
Kline Property Development Proposal Meets Community Opposition |
Nearly 250 people representing local communities and civic organizations attended the Planning Commission vote to share their views about the Kline Property development proposal, located at the intersection of Prince William Parkway and Liberia Road.
This Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning proposed construction of approximately 400,000 sf for nonresidential uses, 329 townhouses and 63 single-family detached houses.
Citizens who spoke at the public hearing expressed their concern about:
- Housing density,
- Traffic issues, notably Route 28 and Yates Ford Road,
- Excessive land clearing and reduced buffers,
- Impacts to existing wells on neighboring properties,
- Addition of more low rent retail,
- Lack of parkland in the area.
Martin Jeter, MidCounty Civic Assn. President, says, "What happens on this property is critical to the future of mid-county and the semi-rural area. The community was heard on Wednesday and this portends well for our quality of life, environmental, traffic and water quality protections."
According to an email from Coles District Marty Nohe, he agrees the current proposal is not a good fit for this property and that it does not make sense for the Board to amend the comprehensive plan at this time.
Supervisor Nohe says he spoke to the developer and explained that any future proposal will need to be consistent with the county’s comprehensive plan and must take seriously the concerns raised by citizens and the Planning Commission.
In the News:
Large Kline development rejected by Prince William planning commission
InsideNova, November 17 2017 |
Buffers: Parkway Elementary School by Chinn Parkland |
After considerable opposition for the plan to build a new school on the forest at Chinn Park, Prince William County Schools (PWCS) selected an adjacent property with existing commercial zoning.
While citizens generally agreed with this new plan, concerns about adequate buffer between the school and adjacent neighborhood raised concerns and attracted considerable attention.
As a result of community involvement, PWCS made written commitments as part of the Planning Commission's approval, including text and mapped plans that addressed buffers between the school and the adjacent neighborhood (dissimilar uses):
"The School Division commits to provide a 120' buffer along Trowbridge, with 100' of this buffer undisturbed. Any of the remaining 20' disturbed to construct rear service lane and curb will be replanted."
Currently the plan is moving through the site plan approval process. The adjacent Sycamore Ridge Homeowners Association (HOA) and local civic groups are in process of reviewing the plan. Everyone is dismayed to see that the 100' undisturbed buffer no longer travels the entire distance along Trowbridge.
In response to community outcry about the missing buffer, PWCS has conveyed their belief that they fully meet their commitment if one counts open space owned by the HOA.
Sycamore Ridge HOA President Rob Carswell says, "We want PWCS to live up to their commitments made in the Public Facilities Review."
The HOA and civic groups are each sending comments to the County's site plan reviewers and Supervisors.
Please consider sharing your views about the value of green open space, including buffers that separate dissimilar uses and improve the appearance of our communities. Click here to email Occoquan District Supervisor Ruth Anderson. |