More Than Managing Stormwater with Larry Heath
At PWCA, we love hearing inspiring stories from our members, who do so much for Prince William. Here's one success story we can all feel good about!
Larry Heath, PWCA member and water quality volunteer monitoring Quantico Creek, took the time to speak with us about some of the projects he's been leading in Westminster the last few years.
Larry and about 20 volunteers planted 450 plants and converted three parking lot islands from a grass monoculture to a diverse native plant community designed to better manage stormwater.
But the benefits don’t stop there. Larry's journey reminds us how connected everything is. There’s a sentiment of hope, a belief that our actions, no matter how small, have an impact.
Looking into the future, Larry sees an opportunity to expand his work, involve more people, and create new habitat to reduce stormwater and attract pollinators. Read more about this project here...