Our founding executive director Kim Hosen had a vision for Prince William County as a premier destination for residents in the DC metropolitan area to delight in nature. Founded in 2002, Prince William Conservation Alliance has been the primary voice for smart growth, understanding that how we develop is critical to quality of life for wildlife and residents alike. Through advocacy, empowering the community, and stewardship of the land in Prince William County we strive to build a better future.

PWCA works to establish equitable, sustainable communities, promote environmental stewardship, and create opportunities for residents to engage in decisions that affect the quality of their lives and the future of their communities. We invite you to join us today!
- 2023 Member Highlight in the Choose Clean Water Coalition
- Spur Local and Catalogue for Philanthropy since 2018
- Conservationist of the Year 2016, Ducks Unlimited, Prince William Chapter
- Plant NoVA Natives Champion Award 2016, Plant NoVA Natives Campaign
- Conservationist of the Year 2006, Ducks Unlimited, Prince William Chapter
- Outstanding Efforts in Conservation and Environmental Education for the Potomac River Refuges, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- Certificate of Appreciation for Dedication to the Conservation of Merrimac Farm, Virginia Dept. of Game & Inland Fisheries
Phone: 703-490-5200
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
PO Box 6351, Woodbridge, VA 22195
Street Address:
2239N Tackett’s Mill Drive, Woodbridge VA 22192
Board of Directors
Jean Beard, Chair
Nadia Stewart, Vice Chair
Eli Hosen, Teasurer
Judy Kenyon, Secretary
Elena Schlossberg
Monika Metcalf
Kevin Parker
Rachel Habig-Myer

Ashley Studholme
Executive Director