Stop Mowing, Start Growing!
A Native Plant Symposium for beginners and beyond! Create a beautiful yard, save time and money, improve water quality, build habitat for pollinators and birds. The symposium will be held Saturday, February 8, 2025, 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., at the Verizon Auditorium, George Mason University, located at 10900 University Blvd, Manassas, VA 20110. Registration for this hybrid event (in-person and online) opens December 3. Scroll to see the symposium schedule and 15 breakout sessions list.
Event Organizers:
- GMU Office of Sustainability
- Northern Virginia Community College
- Plant NOVA Natives
- Prince William Conservation Alliance
- Prince William Soil & Water Conservation District
- PWC Watershed Management Branch
- Virginia Cooperative Extension
- Virginia Native Plant Society

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Doug Tallamy, renowned author of several books, Professor at University of Delaware, and Entomologist featured in the April 2020 edition of Smithsonian Magazine in the article, “Meet the Ecologist Who Wants to Unleash the Wild on Your Backyard.” Doug will present “A Chickadee’s Guide to Gardening”.
A Chickadee’s Guide to Gardening
In the past we have designed our landscapes strictly for our own pleasure, with no thought to how they might impact the natural world around us. Such landscapes do not contribute much to local ecosystem function and support little life. Using chickadees and other wildlife as guides, Tallamy will explain how plants that evolved in concert with local animals provide for their needs better than plants that evolved elsewhere. In the process he shows how creating living landscapes by sharing our spaces with other living things will not reduce our pleasurable garden experiences, but enhance them.
Tickets – Eventbrite (Register here today!), Registration will close on February 6th
In-person: Sold Out! online still available
Student: $30, must show ID at registration
Online: $25
9:00am-9:45am – Registration
9:45am-10:00am – Welcome
10:00am-11:00am – Keynote: Doug Tallamy: A Chickadee’s Guide to Gardening
11:00-11:30: Networking
11:30am-12:30pm – Breakout Session 1
12:30pm-1:45pm – Lunch
1:45pm-2:45pm – Breakout Session 2
3:00pm-4:00pm – Breakout Session 3
Breakout Session 1
Breakout Session 2
Breakout Session 3
Successful Outdoor Winter Seed Sowing with Sue Puleo, Owner of Faire Meddow
Talk Description: There is no better cure for the winter blues than experiencing the magic of growing native plants from seed inside your home. No greenhouse required – just a few supplies, tips and tricks are all you need.
Sue Puleo, Owner of Faire Meddow
Bio: I grew up in the brand-new suburb of Silver Spring MD in a scouting family with 2 older brothers. I grew up with a fascination and appreciation of nature. I am a continuous student in the school of life and learn best while doing. As soon as I got married, we moved to Loudoun County and became farmers. First it was working at a dairy, then a beef farm, then we grew our own organic produce, then a Farm Market and finally a peach orchard. Does anyone remember “Puleo’s Farm Market” in Leesburg back in the late 70’s? In my other life, I am still working full-time as a managing broker of 2 real estate offices.
My life took a new direction a few years back when I learned from Dr Tallamy that in the US, we have lost 30 million birds since the 1970’s. That’s on my watch! That affected me deeply and I resolved to do something to help. Within a year, we had received our Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary, NWF Wildlife Habitat, Monarch Waystation certifications & we were “On the Map with Homegrown National Parks”. We have made use of our many local resources including VNPS, VWL of the Smithsonian Institute, Blandy Arboretum, The Clifton Institute etc. Our little piece of earth is now named “Faire Meddow”. It is a 10-acre native pollinator meadow located in Delaplane. You can find Faire Meddow is on Google Maps and we have a Facebook page where we share what we’re learning.
Winter Sowing has been my focus the last several … to support my habit. I found it to be incredibly rewarding! Basically, with Winter Sowing we are just replicating what happens to our native seeds out in the wild with a bit of protection from critters and the elements. Anyone can do this! Whether you have just a patio or loads of land. The techniques are easy, inexpensive and replicable. I am anxious to share what I’ve learned in my talk, slides and videos.
Entice pollinators/insects into your garden: Include Herbaceous Native Plants with Laura Beaty
Entice pollinators/insects into your garden: Include Herbaceous Native Plants—and let the show begin!
Talk Description: Many nurseries draw in buyers to purchase plants that appeal to the human eye. Learn how to select native herbaceous perennial plants that will draw in insects/pollinators who will prosper and return year after year. Consider your property: you’ll need to select native plants that are compatible to the conditions of your site. The right plant in the right place will provide a great deal of joy to the gardener and a new habitat for insects/pollinators.
Laura Beaty, VNPS Horticulture Chair
Bio: Laura Beaty has been working in the great outdoors since she was old enough to hold a rake. She earned a degree in history followed by a degree in horticulture, and worked nearly 20 years for the US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the National Parks Conservation Association.
Laura is VNPS Horticulture Chair and serves as the Potowmack Chapter’s propagation chair at the native plant beds at Green Spring Gardens Park. She is a popular speaker about native plants to Master Gardener candidates at Green Spring Park, local garden clubs, and occasionally, propagation workshops at the chapter’s beds.
Laura is converting her own property to a “modified meadow,” which includes some trees and shrubs—all native plants. She hopes that her plant installations will soon become easy maintenance. But as all gardeners know, a garden is a life-long labor of love.
Restoring Suburban/Urban Soil Health with Dan Schwarz
Title: Restoring Suburban/Urban Soil Health
Talk Description: For residents of cities and suburbs, the soil in our front and backyards is often dense, impermeable, infertile, and an all-around difficult environment for plant growth. Learn how you can restore your home’s soil to health and provide environmental benefits that extend beyond your property lines.
Dan Schwarz, Soils Scientist at Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District
Container Gardening with Native Plants with Nancy Berlin
Container Gardening with Native Plants
Seasonal combinations of native plants can provide anyone with attractive, interesting, and ecologically beneficial planters.
Nancy Berlin, Owner of Gentle Landscaping Design, LLC
Native Cultivars vs. Straight Species – Does it matter? with Connie Schmotzer
Native Cultivars vs. Straight Species – Does it matter?
As native plants become more popular, many cultivars are being offered in the marketplace. But do these cultivars still benefit pollinators and wildlife or are they just decorative items in the landscape? Learn about the results of several trials that have been conducted in the Mid-Atlantic and New England and get some tips on how to choose plants that will most benefit your ecosystem.
Connie Schmotzer, Coordinator for Pollinator Habitat Certification, Penn State Extension Master Gardeners
Creating a Native Food Forest with Clay Morris
Creating a Native Food Forest
Talk Description: Learn how to incorporate native edible food plants into your landscape. From a townhouse to a farmhouse, we can grow a wide range of plants that will provide food for both humans and wildlife.
Clay Morris, Environmental Program Manager for Prince William County Public Works
Small Space Garden Design with Adam Bucher
Talk Description: Explore the basics of design, from hardscape and bed layout to unique plant selection. Learn how to fill your townhouse plot or garden nook with year-round interest and a few key elements to make it a little slice of paradise. Several native plants with smaller stature or upright habits will be highlighted.
Adam Bucher, Head Horticulturist at Green Springs Gardens in Annandale, VA
What’s Bugging You? An Intro to Landscape Integrated Pest Management
Talk Description: As we encounter pest problems in the landscape, proper diagnosis of the cause is important for effective control. Integrated pest management (IPM) provides a system of strategies for managing any pest population to an acceptable level. In this session, we will review the steps for properly diagnosing a pest problem and the options for long-term control.
Paige Thacker, Unit Extension Director, Prince William – Virginia Cooperative Extension
Native Tree Selection with Julie Flanagan
Talk Description: Trees are the most important contributors to our natural ecological communities, supporting insects, songbirds other wildlife and creating environments that counteract climate change. Learn specifics of a variety of shade and ornamental trees to help you make the best selections to improve your property and neighborhood.
Julie Flanagan, Certified Arborist
Who are the Pollinators? with Judy Gallagher
Talk Description: Plants and pollinators co-evolved over millions of years. Plants developed ways of attracting pollinators, and pollinators evolved traits and behaviors that made their pollination efforts more effective. This is important to us because one of every three bites of food we eat depends on pollinators. Judy will discuss pollination in general, and then focus on the stories of some of our local insect pollinators and the native plants they rely on.
Judy Gallagher, Board Member, Northern Virginia Bird Alliance
Attracting Birds to Your Yard with Native Plants with Nancy Vehrs
Talk description: If you want to see birds in your yard, you need more than birdfeeders to supply their needs. Learn about what it takes to attract our feathered friends throughout the seasons.
Nancy Vehrs, President of the Virginia Native Plant Society and the Prince William Wildflower Society and Board Director for PWSWCD
Urban Forestry with Melina Cienski
Talk Description: A quick look into urban forestry and what assistance DOF can provide to landowners to achieve their goals.
Melina Cienski , Urban & Community Forester for Prince William and Stafford County from the Virginia Department of Forestry
Meadows with Nancy Berlin
Talk Description: Add color and beauty to your yard while supporting local wildlife by starting a native wildflower meadow. Learn how to plan, plant, and maintain a native plant meadow.
Nancy Berlin, Owner of Gentle Landscaping Design, LLC
Native Plant Know How – Avoiding Common Pitfalls for Beginners with Stephanie Johnson
Talk Description: Starting a native plant garden can be exciting, but new gardeners often encounter challenges that hinder their success. In this talk, you’ll learn about the most common mistakes beginners make—like improper site selection, overwatering, and choosing the wrong plants for the ecosystem—and how to avoid them. With practical tips and insights, this session will set you on the path to creating a thriving, low-maintenance garden that benefits both you and local wildlife.
Stephanie Johnson , Owner, Green Steeze Conservation Landscaping
Bio: Stephanie Johnson is a conservationist, landscape designer & owner of Green Steeze Conservation Landscaping, an eco-friendly company with a focus on native habitats and “green” living. Her educational background is in business technologies and environmental studies. She is certified as a Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional and is an active environmental volunteer and community educator. As an urban farmer, with a specialization in small spaced food production, Stephanie utilizes hydroponics and containerized systems to show how productive small spaces can be. Stephanie also loves to educate children about native species and local habitats, and is a proud mom of 4 and true native, born and raised, in Prince William County, Virginia
Too Hot! Too Cold! Climate Change Impact on Native Plants with Janene Cullen, PhD
Talk Description: This presentation explores the profound effects of climate change on the diverse plant ecosystems in Virginia. As global temperatures rise and weather patterns shift, Virginia’s native flora faces significant challenges and transformations. Join this session as we delve into the intricate relationship between climate change and plant life in Virginia, highlighting the challenge to preserve our natural heritage. Bring your own examples of changes you have noticed to share with the group.
Janene Cullen, PhD, Virginia Cooperative Extension Prince William Master Gardener, Audubon Ambassador
Check out our 2024 breakout sessions below.
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