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Read the PWC Citizen Satisfaction Surveys

Prince William Citizen Satisfaction Survey Highlights Community Views
Citizens  Concerned about Open Space, Growth, Traffic and Land Use Planning

2007 Survey - Thirty-three of the 60 areas evaluated scored ratings of 80% or better. The highest rated satisfaction items in the survey related to the libraries, medical rescue, fire protection, security in the Courthouse, the landfill, and opportunities for voter registration.

Eight items received ratings less than 60%:

  • Efforts to preserve open space;
  • Planning and land use;
  • Growth in the County;
  • Public transportation;
  • Ease of travel around Prince William County;
  • Coordination of development with road systems;
  • Ease of travel around Northern Virginia outside of Prince William County,
  • Illegal signs along major roads.

2006 Survey - The 2006 results of Prince William County's annual Citizen Satisfaction Survey are out. Thanks to the Board of County Supervisors, this excellent report provides government officials and citizens with information about how citizens view Prince William County. This important survey helps everyone understand what is important to Prince William communities, today and in the future.

The survey is most meaningful when analyzed over time and the 2006 survey reports similar trends to previous years. Countywide, overall citizen satisfaction is high except in one notable area: land use and transportation.

According to the survey, citizen satisfaction with growth, planning and development is below 50%. A quick review of survey results shows that declines in citizen satisfaction with how Prince William handles these issues is part of a multi-year trend; both areas show approximately 8 point declines since 2002.

Citizen satisfaction with local transportation issues shows more dramatic declines. This years' survey reports that only 39.6% of citizens say they are satisfied with in-county travel conditions. This is an 18 point drop since 2002, and a 23 point drop since 2000.

This steady and statistically significant decline in citizen satisfaction with in-county travel is perhaps especially troubling because it coincides with the time period during which Prince William invested substantial amounts of local tax dollars to construct new and improved roads.

Prince William's 2006 Citizen Satisfaction Survey continues to show declining citizen confidence in land use planning, growth and transportation processes. This information echoes the visible and growing consensus that we cannot build our way out of traffic congestion.

The link between transportation and land use is inescapable, and requires the county to pace growth to a rate we can afford, to ensure that we have communities designed to reduce the amount we have to drive, to protect more land for parks and natural areas, and to invest more in transit options.

Contact local elected officials and share your views.
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